Cybersecurity: try 4 solutions for free
From march till June, Cyber Security Management lets you discover four of its specially curated European solutions. Each month gives you the chance to try out some of the rising European defence technologies.
With these free monthly trials, you can see for yourself the efficiency of these solutions in protecting your network against phishing, intrusions and other cyber attacks. As the amount of attacks has been particularly on the rise in 2020, it is time to…
Take action!
In March: Vade Secure. The first logical step in an efficient defence is email protection on your O365 environment. +1B mailboxes protected worldwide and only one click to activate.
In April: Oodrive. How do you make sure that sensitive data & content are safe ? Try our secured collaborative sharing platform.
In May: Cyberwatch. An intuitive platform to effectively monitor and patch vulnerabilities on your assets including IT, OT & website.
In June: Conscio. Building walls is good but not if someone opens the door. Try our sensibilisation platform now and take the first step in raisin your organisations’ cyber maturity.
Interested in trying one of these out? Or all of them?
Contact us with the below form, and we’ll get in touch!